
James is unavailable, but you can change that!

Former distinguished professor of New Testament at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary Curtis Vaughan offers a concise guide to study the book of James that is packed with solid exegesis, clear explanations, and helpful practical insights. Equip your study of James with an accessible resource that marries study guide and commentary. The well-loved guide is a trusty aid for pastors preparing...

ASV). That is to say, they are of many different kinds. The Greek word, the literal meaning of which is “many-colored,” suggests infinite variety. Peter (1 Peter 4:10) uses the same word to describe the grace of God, and a similar word is used by Paul (Ephesians 3:10) to describe the wisdom of God. James was thinking in part of the sufferings inflicted upon his readers by their unbelieving countrymen (cf. 2:6, 7; 5:4–6). But trials take many forms, and they may change from day to day and from person
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